Source code for elec

Collect codes of British `railway overhead electrification installations

import copy
import itertools
import os
import re
import urllib.parse

import bs4
import pandas as pd
import requests
from pyhelpers.dir import cd, validate_input_data_dir
from pyhelpers.ops import confirmed, fake_requests_headers
from import load_pickle, save_pickle

from pyrcs.utils import cd_dat, get_catalogue, get_last_updated_date, homepage_url, \

[docs]class Electrification: """ A class for collecting section codes for OLE installations. :param data_dir: name of data directory, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> print(elec.Name) Electrification masts and related features >>> print(elec.SourceURL) """ def __init__(self, data_dir=None, update=False): """ Constructor method. """ self.Name = 'Electrification masts and related features' self.HomeURL = homepage_url() self.SourceURL = \ urllib.parse.urljoin(self.HomeURL, '/electrification/mast_prefix0.shtm') self.Catalogue = get_catalogue( page_url=self.SourceURL, update=update, confirmation_required=False) self.Date = get_last_updated_date( url=self.SourceURL, parsed=True, as_date_type=False) self.Key = 'Electrification' self.LUDKey = 'Last updated date' # key to last updated date self.DataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) if data_dir \ else cd_dat("line-data", self.Key.lower()) self.CurrentDataDir = copy.copy(self.DataDir) self.NationalNetworkKey = 'National network' self.NationalNetworkPickle = self.NationalNetworkKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") self.IndependentLinesKey = 'Independent lines' self.IndependentLinesPickle = self.IndependentLinesKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") self.OhnsKey = 'National network neutral sections' self.OhnsPickle = self.OhnsKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") self.TariffZonesKey = 'National network energy tariff zones' self.TariffZonesPickle = self.TariffZonesKey.lower().replace(" ", "-")
[docs] def cdd_elec(self, *sub_dir, **kwargs): """ Change directory to package data directory and sub-directories (and/or a file). The directory for this module: ``"\\dat\\line-data\\electrification"``. :param sub_dir: sub-directory or sub-directories (and/or a file) :type sub_dir: str :param kwargs: optional parameters of `os.makedirs <>`_, e.g. ``mode=0o777`` :return: path to the backup data directory for ``Electrification`` :rtype: str """ path = cd(self.DataDir, *sub_dir, mkdir=True, **kwargs) return path
[docs] def collect_national_network_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect OLE section codes for `national network <>`_ from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to require users to confirm and proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OLE section codes for National network :rtype: dict or None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> nn_dat = elec.collect_national_network_codes(confirmation_required=False) >>> type(nn_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(nn_dat.keys())) ['National network', 'Last updated date'] """ if confirmed("To collect section codes for OLE installations: {}?".format( self.NationalNetworkKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting the codes for {}".format( self.NationalNetworkKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: source = requests.get(self.Catalogue[self.NationalNetworkKey], headers=fake_requests_headers()) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml') national_network_ole_, h3 = {}, soup.find('h3') while h3: header_tag = h3.find_next('table') if header_tag: header = [x.text for x in header_tag.find_all('th')] temp = parse_tr( header, header_tag.find_next('table').find_all('tr')) table = pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=header) table = table.applymap( lambda x: re.sub(r'\']\)?', ']', re.sub(r'\(?\[\'', '[', x)).replace( '\\xa0', '')) else: table = pd.DataFrame((x.text for x in h3.find_all_next('li')), columns=['Unknown_codes']) # Notes notes = {'Notes': None} if h3.find_next_sibling().name == 'p': next_p = h3.find_next('p') if next_p.find_previous('h3') == h3: notes['Notes'] = next_p.text.replace('\xa0', '') note_tag = h3.find_next('h4') if note_tag and note_tag.text == 'Notes': notes_ = dict( (x.a.get('id').title(), x.get_text(strip=True).replace('\xa0', '')) for x in soup.find('ol') if x != '\n') if notes['Notes'] is None: notes['Notes'] = notes_ else: notes['Notes'] = [notes['Notes'], notes_] #'(\w ?)+(?=( \((\w ?)+\))?)', h3.text).group(0).strip() data_key = h3.text.strip() national_network_ole_.update({data_key: {'Codes': table, **notes}}) h3 = h3.find_next_sibling('h3') source.close() last_updated_date = \ get_last_updated_date(self.Catalogue[self.NationalNetworkKey]) national_network_ole = { self.NationalNetworkKey: national_network_ole_, self.LUDKey: last_updated_date} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(self.NationalNetworkPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(national_network_ole, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) national_network_ole = None return national_network_ole
[docs] def fetch_national_network_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch OLE section codes for `national network <>`_ from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OLE section codes for National network :rtype: dict or None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> nn_ole_dat = elec.fetch_national_network_codes() >>> type(nn_ole_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(nn_ole_dat.keys())) ['National network', 'Last updated date'] """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(self.NationalNetworkPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: national_network_ole = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: national_network_ole = self.collect_national_network_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if national_network_ole: # codes_for_ole is not None if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join( self.CurrentDataDir, self.NationalNetworkPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(national_network_ole, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format( self.NationalNetworkKey.lower())) return national_network_ole
[docs] def get_indep_line_names(self): """ Get names of `independent lines <>`_. :return: a list of independent line names :rtype: list **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> l_names = elec.get_indep_line_names() >>> print(l_names[:5]) ['Beamish Tramway', 'Birkenhead Tramway', 'Black Country Living Museum', 'Blackpool Tramway', 'Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway'] """ source = requests.get(self.Catalogue[self.IndependentLinesKey], headers=fake_requests_headers()) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml') for x in soup.find_all('p'): if re.match(r'^Jump to: ', x.text): line_names = x.text.replace('Jump to: ', '').split('\xa0| ') return line_names
[docs] def collect_indep_lines_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect OLE section codes for `independent lines <>`_ from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to require users to confirm and proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OLE section codes for independent lines :rtype: dict or None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> il_ole_dat = elec.collect_indep_lines_codes(confirmation_required=False) >>> type(il_ole_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(il_ole_dat.keys())) ['Independent lines', 'Last updated date'] """ if confirmed("To collect section codes for OLE installations: {}?".format( self.IndependentLinesKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting the codes for {}".format( self.IndependentLinesKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: source = requests.get(self.Catalogue[self.IndependentLinesKey], headers=fake_requests_headers()) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml') independent_lines_ole_ = {} h3 = soup.find('h3') while h3: header_tag, table = h3.find_next('table'), None if header_tag: if header_tag.find_previous('h3') == h3: header = [x.text for x in header_tag.find_all('th')] temp = parse_tr( header, header_tag.find_next('table').find_all('tr')) table = pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=header) table = table.applymap( lambda x: re.sub( r'\']\)?', ']', re.sub(r'\(?\[\'', '[', x)).replace( '\\xa0', '').strip()) notes = {'Notes': None} h4 = h3.find_next('h4') if h4: previous_h3 = h4.find_previous('h3') if previous_h3 == h3 and h4.text == 'Notes': notes_ = dict( (x.a.get('id').title(), x.get_text(strip=True).replace('\xa0', '')) for x in h4.find_next('ol') if x != '\n') if notes['Notes'] is None: notes['Notes'] = notes_ note_tag, note_txt = h3.find_next('p'), '' if note_tag: previous_h3 = note_tag.find_previous('h3') if previous_h3 == h3: note_txt = note_tag.text.replace('\xa0', '') if notes['Notes'] is None: notes['Notes'] = note_txt else: notes['Notes'] = [notes['Notes'], note_txt] ex_note_tag = note_tag.find_next('ol') if ex_note_tag: previous_h3 = ex_note_tag.find_previous('h3') if previous_h3 == h3: li = pd.DataFrame( list(re.sub(r'[()]', '', x.text).split(' ', 1) for x in ex_note_tag.find_all('li')), columns=['Initial', 'Code']) notes.update({'Section codes known at present': li}) independent_lines_ole_.update({h3.text: {'Codes': table, **notes}}) h3 = h3.find_next_sibling('h3') source.close() last_updated_date = \ get_last_updated_date(self.Catalogue[self.IndependentLinesKey]) independent_lines_ole = {self.IndependentLinesKey: independent_lines_ole_, self.LUDKey: last_updated_date} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" pickle_filename = \ self.IndependentLinesKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") + ".pickle" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(pickle_filename) save_pickle(independent_lines_ole, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) independent_lines_ole = None return independent_lines_ole
[docs] def fetch_indep_lines_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch OLE section codes for `independent lines <>`_ from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OLE section codes for independent lines :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> il_ole_dat = elec.fetch_indep_lines_codes() >>> type(il_ole_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(il_ole_dat.keys())) ['Independent lines', 'Last updated date'] """ pickle_filename = self.IndependentLinesKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") + ".pickle" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(pickle_filename) if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: independent_lines_ole = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: independent_lines_ole = self.collect_indep_lines_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if independent_lines_ole: # codes_for_independent_lines is not None if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, pickle_filename) save_pickle(independent_lines_ole, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format( self.IndependentLinesKey.lower())) return independent_lines_ole
[docs] def collect_ohns_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect codes for `overhead line electrification neutral sections <>`_ (OHNS) from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to require users to confirm and proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OHNS codes :rtype: dict or None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> ohns_dat = elec.collect_ohns_codes(confirmation_required=False) >>> type(ohns_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(ohns_dat.keys())) ['National network neutral sections', 'Last updated date'] """ if confirmed("To collect section codes for OLE installations: {}?".format( self.OhnsKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting data of {}".format(self.OhnsKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: header, neutral_sections_data = pd.read_html(self.Catalogue[self.OhnsKey]) neutral_sections_data.columns = header.columns.to_list() neutral_sections_data.fillna('', inplace=True) ohns_codes = { self.OhnsKey: neutral_sections_data, self.LUDKey: get_last_updated_date(self.Catalogue[self.OhnsKey])} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(self.OhnsPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(ohns_codes, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) ohns_codes = None return ohns_codes
[docs] def fetch_ohns_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch codes for `overhead line electrification neutral sections <>`_ (OHNS) from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OHNS codes :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> ohns_dat = elec.fetch_ohns_codes() >>> type(ohns_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(ohns_dat.keys())) ['National network neutral sections', 'Last updated date'] """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(self.OhnsPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: ohns_codes = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: ohns_codes = self.collect_ohns_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if ohns_codes: # ohns is not None if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = \ os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, self.OhnsPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(ohns_codes, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of section codes for {} has been collected.".format( self.OhnsKey.lower())) return ohns_codes
[docs] def collect_etz_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect OLE section codes for `national network energy tariff zones <>`_ from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to require users to confirm and proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OLE section codes for national network energy tariff zones :rtype: dict or None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> etz_ole_dat = elec.collect_etz_codes(confirmation_required=False) >>> type(etz_ole_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(etz_ole_dat.keys())) ['National network energy tariff zones', 'Last updated date'] """ if confirmed("To collect section codes for OLE installations: {}?".format( self.TariffZonesKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting the codes for {}".format(self.TariffZonesKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: source = requests.get(self.Catalogue[self.TariffZonesKey], headers=fake_requests_headers()) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml') etz_ole_ = {} h3 = soup.find('h3') while h3: header_tag, table = h3.find_next('table'), None if header_tag: if header_tag.find_previous('h3') == h3: header = [x.text for x in header_tag.find_all('th')] temp = parse_tr( header, header_tag.find_next('table').find_all('tr')) table = pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=header) table = table.applymap( lambda x: re.sub( r'\']\)?', ']', re.sub(r'\(?\[\'', '[', x)).replace( '\\xa0', '').strip()) notes, next_p = [], h3.find_next('p') previous_h3 = next_p.find_previous('h3') while previous_h3 == h3: notes.append(next_p.text.replace('\xa0', '')) next_p = next_p.find_next('p') try: previous_h3 = next_p.find_previous('h3') except AttributeError: break notes = ' '.join(notes).strip() etz_ole_.update({h3.text: table, 'Notes': notes}) h3 = h3.find_next_sibling('h3') source.close() etz_ole = { self.TariffZonesKey: etz_ole_, self.LUDKey: get_last_updated_date(self.Catalogue[self.TariffZonesKey])} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(self.TariffZonesPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(etz_ole, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) etz_ole = None return etz_ole
[docs] def fetch_etz_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch OLE section codes for `national network energy tariff zones <>`_ from source web page. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: OLE section codes for national network energy tariff zones :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> etz_ole_dat = elec.fetch_etz_codes() >>> type(etz_ole_dat) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(etz_ole_dat.keys())) ['National network energy tariff zones', 'Last updated date'] """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_elec(self.TariffZonesPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: etz_ole = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: etz_ole = self.collect_etz_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if etz_ole: # codes_for_energy_tariff_zones is not None if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, self.TariffZonesPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(etz_ole, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format( self.TariffZonesKey.lower())) return etz_ole
[docs] def fetch_elec_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch OLE section codes in `electrification <>`_ catalogue. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: section codes for overhead line electrification (OLE) installations :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification >>> elec = Electrification() >>> electrification_codes = elec.fetch_elec_codes() >>> type(electrification_codes) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(electrification_codes.keys())) ['Electrification', 'Last updated date'] """ codes = [] for func in dir(self): if func.startswith('fetch_') and func != 'fetch_elec_codes': codes.append(getattr(self, func)(update=update, verbose=verbose)) ole_section_codes = { self.Key: {next(iter(x)): next(iter(x.values())) for x in codes}, self.LUDKey: max(next(itertools.islice(iter(x.values()), 1, 2)) for x in codes)} if pickle_it and data_dir: pickle_filename = self.Name.lower().replace(" ", "-") + ".pickle" self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, pickle_filename) save_pickle(ole_section_codes, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) return ole_section_codes