Source code for loc_id

`CRS, NLC, TIPLOC and STANOX codes <>`_.

import copy
import os
import re
import string
import urllib.parse

import bs4
import pandas as pd
import requests
from pyhelpers.dir import cd, validate_input_data_dir
from pyhelpers.ops import confirmed, fake_requests_headers, split_list_by_size
from import load_json, load_pickle, save, save_pickle

from pyrcs.utils import cd_dat, homepage_url, get_catalogue, get_last_updated_date, \
    parse_date, parse_location_name, parse_table, parse_tr

[docs]class LocationIdentifiers: """ A class for collecting location identifiers (including `other systems <>`_ station). :param data_dir: name of data directory, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> print(lid.Name) CRS, NLC, TIPLOC and STANOX codes >>> print(lid.SourceURL) """ def __init__(self, data_dir=None, update=False): """ Constructor method. """ self.Name = 'CRS, NLC, TIPLOC and STANOX codes' self.HomeURL = homepage_url() self.SourceURL = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.HomeURL, '/crs/CRS0.shtm') self.Catalogue = get_catalogue(page_url=self.SourceURL, update=update, confirmation_required=False) self.Date = get_last_updated_date(url=self.SourceURL, parsed=True, as_date_type=False) self.Key = 'Location codes' # key to location codes self.LUDKey = 'Last updated date' # key to last updated date if data_dir: self.DataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) else: self.DataDir = cd_dat( "line-data", re.sub(r',| codes| and', '', self.Name.lower()).replace(" ", "-")) self.CurrentDataDir = copy.copy(self.DataDir) self.OSKey = 'Other systems' # key to other systems codes self.OSPickle = self.OSKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") self.ANKey = 'Additional notes' # key to additional notes self.MSCENKey = 'Multiple station codes explanatory note' self.MSCENPickle = self.MSCENKey.lower().replace(" ", "-")
[docs] def cdd_lc(self, *sub_dir, **kwargs): """ Change directory to package data directory and sub-directories (and/or a file). The directory for this module: ``"\\dat\\line-data\\crs-nlc-tiploc-stanox"``. :param sub_dir: sub-directory or sub-directories (and/or a file) :type sub_dir: str :param kwargs: optional parameters of `os.makedirs <>`_, e.g. ``mode=0o777`` :return: path to the backup data directory for ``LocationIdentifiers`` :rtype: str :meta private: """ path = cd(self.DataDir, *sub_dir, mkdir=True, **kwargs) return path
[docs] @staticmethod def amendment_to_loc_names(): """ Create a replacement dictionary for location name amendments. :return: dictionary of regular-expression amendments to location names :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> loc_name_amendment_dict = lid.amendment_to_loc_names() >>> print(list(loc_name_amendment_dict.keys())) ['Location'] """ location_name_amendment_dict = { 'Location': {re.compile(r' And | \+ '): ' & ', re.compile(r'-By-'): '-by-', re.compile(r'-In-'): '-in-', re.compile(r'-En-Le-'): '-en-le-', re.compile(r'-La-'): '-la-', re.compile(r'-Le-'): '-le-', re.compile(r'-On-'): '-on-', re.compile(r'-The-'): '-the-', re.compile(r' Of '): ' of ', re.compile(r'-Super-'): '-super-', re.compile(r'-Upon-'): '-upon-', re.compile(r'-Under-'): '-under-', re.compile(r'-Y-'): '-y-'}} return location_name_amendment_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_note_page(note_url, parser='lxml'): """ Parse addition note page. :param note_url: URL link of the target web page :type note_url: str :param parser: the `parser`_ to use for `bs4.BeautifulSoup`_, defaults to ``'lxml'`` :type parser: str :return: parsed texts :rtype: list .. _`parser`: index.html#specifying-the-parser-to-use .. _`bs4.BeautifulSoup`: **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> url = lid.HomeURL + '/crs/CRS2.shtm' >>> parsed_note_ = lid.parse_note_page(url, parser='lxml') >>> print(parsed_note_[3].head()) Location CRS CRS_alt1 CRS_alt2 0 Glasgow Queen Street GLQ GQL 1 Glasgow Central GLC GCL 2 Heworth HEW HEZ 3 Highbury & Islington HHY HII XHZ 4 Lichfield Trent Valley LTV LIF """ source = requests.get(note_url, headers=fake_requests_headers()) web_page_text = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, parser).find_all(['p', 'pre']) parsed_text = [x.text for x in web_page_text if isinstance(x.next_element, str)] parsed_note = [] for x in parsed_text: if '\n' in x: text = re.sub('\t+', ',', x).replace('\t', ' ').\ replace('\xa0', '').split('\n') else: text = x.replace('\t', ' ').replace('\xa0', '') if isinstance(text, list): text = [t.split(',') for t in text if t != ''] temp = pd.DataFrame( text, columns=['Location', 'CRS', 'CRS_alt1', 'CRS_alt2']).fillna('') parsed_note.append(temp) else: to_remove = ['click the link', 'click your browser', 'Thank you', 'shown below'] if text != '' and not any(t in text for t in to_remove): parsed_note.append(text) return parsed_note
[docs] def collect_explanatory_note(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect note about CRS code from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: data of multiple station codes explanatory note :rtype: dict, None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> exp_note = lid.collect_explanatory_note( ... confirmation_required=False) >>> type(exp_note) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(exp_note.keys())) ['Multiple station codes explanatory note', 'Notes', 'Last updated date'] """ if confirmed("To collect data of {}?".format(self.MSCENKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting data of {}".format(self.MSCENKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: note_url = self.HomeURL + '/crs/CRS2.shtm' explanatory_note_ = self.parse_note_page(note_url) explanatory_note, notes = {}, [] for x in explanatory_note_: if isinstance(x, str): if 'Last update' in x: explanatory_note.update( {self.LUDKey: parse_date(x, as_date_type=False)}) else: notes.append(x) else: explanatory_note.update({self.MSCENKey: x}) explanatory_note.update({'Notes': notes}) # Rearrange the dict explanatory_note = { k: explanatory_note[k] for k in [self.MSCENKey, 'Notes', self.LUDKey]} print("Done.") if verbose == 2 else "" save_pickle(explanatory_note, self.cdd_lc(self.MSCENPickle + ".pickle"), verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}.".format(e)) explanatory_note = None return explanatory_note
[docs] def fetch_explanatory_note(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch multiple station codes explanatory note from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: data of multiple station codes explanatory note :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> exp_note = lid.fetch_explanatory_note( ... update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=True) >>> type(exp_note) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(exp_note.keys())) ['Multiple station codes explanatory note', 'Notes', 'Last updated date'] """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_lc(self.MSCENPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: explanatory_note = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: explanatory_note = self.collect_explanatory_note( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if explanatory_note: # additional_note is not None if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, self.MSCENPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(explanatory_note, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format(self.MSCENKey.lower())) return explanatory_note
[docs] def collect_other_systems_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect data of `other systems' codes <>`_ from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to require users to confirm and proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: codes of other systems :rtype: dict, None **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> os_codes = lid.collect_other_systems_codes(confirmation_required=False) >>> type(os_codes) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(os_codes.keys())) ['Other systems', 'Last updated date'] """ if confirmed("To collect data of {}?".format(self.OSKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("To collect data of {}".format(self.OSKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: url = self.Catalogue['Other systems'] source = requests.get(url, headers=fake_requests_headers()) web_page_text = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml') # Get system name system_names = [k.text for k in web_page_text.find_all('h3')] # Parse table data for each system table_data = list( split_list_by_size(web_page_text.find_all('table'), sub_len=2)) tables = [] for table in table_data: headers = [x.text for x in table[0].find_all('th')] tbl_dat = table[1].find_all('tr') tbl_data = pd.DataFrame(parse_tr(headers, tbl_dat), columns=headers) tables.append(tbl_data) # Make a dict other_systems_codes = {self.OSKey: dict(zip(system_names, tables)), self.LUDKey: get_last_updated_date(url)} print("Done.") if verbose == 2 else "" save_pickle(other_systems_codes, self.cdd_lc(self.OSPickle + ".pickle"), verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}.".format(e)) other_systems_codes = None return other_systems_codes
[docs] def fetch_other_systems_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch data of `other systems' codes <>`_ from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: codes of other systems :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> os_codes = lid.fetch_other_systems_codes() >>> type(os_codes) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(os_codes.keys())) ['Other systems', 'Last updated date'] """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_lc(self.OSPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: other_systems_codes = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: other_systems_codes = self.collect_other_systems_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if other_systems_codes: # other_systems_codes is not None if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join( self.CurrentDataDir, self.OSPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(other_systems_codes, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format(self.OSKey.lower())) return other_systems_codes
[docs] def collect_loc_codes_by_initial(self, initial, update=False, verbose=False): """ Collect `CRS, NLC, TIPLOC, STANME and STANOX codes <>`_ for a given ``initial`` letter. :param initial: initial letter of station/junction name or certain word for specifying URL :type initial: str :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: data of location codes for the given ``initial`` letter; and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> location_codes_a = lid.collect_loc_codes_by_initial(initial='a') >>> type(location_codes_a) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(location_codes_a.keys())) ['A', 'Additional notes', 'Last updated date'] """ assert initial in string.ascii_letters path_to_pickle = self.cdd_lc("a-z", initial.lower() + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: location_codes_initial = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: url = self.Catalogue[initial.upper()] if verbose == 2: print("To get the last update date for codes " "starting with \"{}\" ... ".format(initial.upper()), end="") try: last_updated_date = get_last_updated_date(url) print("Done.") if verbose == 2 else "" except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) last_updated_date = None if verbose == 2: print( "To collect the codes of locations starting with \"{}\" ... ".format( initial.upper()), end="") try: source = requests.get(url, headers=fake_requests_headers()) tbl_lst, header = parse_table(source, parser='lxml') # Get a raw DataFrame reps = {'\b-\b': '', '\xa0\xa0': ' ', '&half;': ' and 1/2'} pattern = re.compile("|".join(reps.keys())) tbl_lst = [ [pattern.sub(lambda x: reps[], item) for item in record] for record in tbl_lst] location_codes = pd.DataFrame(tbl_lst, columns=header) location_codes.replace({'\xa0': ''}, regex=True, inplace=True) # Collect additional information as note location_codes[['Location', 'Location_Note']] = \ # CRS, NLC, TIPLOC, STANME drop_pattern = re.compile(r'[Ff]ormerly|[Ss]ee[ also]|Also .[\w ,]+') idx = [location_codes[location_codes.CRS == x].index[0] for x in location_codes.CRS if re.match(drop_pattern, x)] location_codes.drop(labels=idx, axis=0, inplace=True) # Collect others note def collect_others_note(other_note_x): n ='(?<=[\[(\'])[\w,? ]+(?=[)\]\'])', other_note_x) note = if n is not None else '' return note # Strip others note def strip_others_note(other_note_x): d ='[\w ,]+(?= [\[(\'])', other_note_x) dat = if d is not None else other_note_x return dat other_codes_col = location_codes.columns[1:-1] other_notes_col = [x + '_Note' for x in other_codes_col] location_codes[other_notes_col] = \ location_codes[other_codes_col].applymap(collect_others_note) location_codes[other_codes_col] = \ location_codes[other_codes_col].applymap(strip_others_note) # Parse STANOX note def parse_stanox_note(x): if x == '-': dat, note = '', '' else: d ='[\w *,]+(?= [\[(\'])', x) dat = if d is not None else x note = 'Pseudo STANOX' if '*' in dat else '' n ='(?<=[\[(\'])[\w, ]+.(?=[)\]\'])', x) if n is not None: note = '; '.join(x for x in [note,] if x != '') if '(' not in note and note.endswith(')'): note = note.rstrip(')') dat = dat.rstrip('*') if '*' in dat else dat return dat, note if not location_codes.empty: location_codes[['STANOX', 'STANOX_Note']] = parse_stanox_note).apply(pd.Series) else: # It is likely that no data is available on the web page # for the given 'key_word' location_codes['STANOX_Note'] = location_codes.STANOX if any('see note' in crs_note for crs_note in location_codes.CRS_Note): loc_idx = [i for i, crs_note in enumerate(location_codes.CRS_Note) if 'see note' in crs_note] web_page_text = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml') note_urls = [ urllib.parse.urljoin(self.Catalogue[initial.upper()], x['href']) for x in web_page_text.find_all('a', href=True, text='note')] additional_notes = [ self.parse_note_page(note_url) for note_url in note_urls] additional_notes = dict( zip(location_codes.CRS.iloc[loc_idx], additional_notes)) else: additional_notes = None location_codes = location_codes.replace( self.amendment_to_loc_names(), regex=True) location_codes.STANOX = location_codes.STANOX.replace({'-': ''}) location_codes.index = range(len(location_codes)) # Rearrange index print("Done.") if verbose == 2 else "" except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}.".format(e)) location_codes, additional_notes = None, None location_codes_initial = dict( zip([initial.upper(), self.ANKey, self.LUDKey], [location_codes, additional_notes, last_updated_date])) save_pickle(location_codes_initial, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) return location_codes_initial
[docs] def fetch_location_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch `CRS, NLC, TIPLOC, STANME and STANOX codes <>`_ from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: data of location codes and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> loc_codes = lid.fetch_location_codes() >>> type(loc_codes) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(loc_codes.keys())) ['Location codes', 'Other systems', 'Additional notes', 'Last updated date'] """ # Get every data table data = [ self.collect_loc_codes_by_initial( x, update, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) for x in string.ascii_lowercase] # Select DataFrames only location_codes_data = (item[x] for item, x in zip(data, string.ascii_uppercase)) location_codes_data_table = pd.concat(location_codes_data, axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False) # Likely errors (spotted occasionally) idx = location_codes_data_table[ location_codes_data_table.Location == 'Selby Melmerby Estates'].index values = location_codes_data_table.loc[idx, 'STANME':'STANOX'].values location_codes_data_table.loc[idx, 'STANME':'STANOX'] = ['', ''] idx = location_codes_data_table[ location_codes_data_table.Location == 'Selby Potter Group'].index location_codes_data_table.loc[idx, 'STANME':'STANOX'] = values # Get the latest updated date last_updated_dates = (item[self.LUDKey] for item, _ in zip(data, string.ascii_uppercase)) latest_update_date = max(d for d in last_updated_dates if d is not None) # Get other systems codes other_systems_codes = self.fetch_other_systems_codes( update=update, verbose=verbose)[self.OSKey] # Get additional note additional_notes = self.fetch_explanatory_note( update=update, verbose=verbose) # Create a dict to include all information location_codes = {self.Key: location_codes_data_table, self.OSKey: other_systems_codes, self.ANKey: additional_notes, self.LUDKey: latest_update_date} if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, self.Key.lower().replace(" ", "-") + ".pickle") save_pickle(location_codes, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) return location_codes
[docs] def make_loc_id_dict(self, keys, initials=None, drop_duplicates=False, as_dict=False, main_key=None, save_it=False, data_dir=None, update=False, verbose=False): """ Make a dict/dataframe for location code data for the given ``keys``. :param keys: one or a sublist of ['CRS', 'NLC', 'TIPLOC', 'STANOX', 'STANME'] :type keys: str, list :param initials: one or a sequence of initials for which the location codes are used, defaults to ``None`` :type initials: str, list, None :param drop_duplicates: whether to drop duplicates, defaults to ``False`` :type drop_duplicates: bool :param as_dict: whether to return a dictionary, defaults to ``False`` :type as_dict: bool :param main_key: key of the returned dictionary if ``as_dict`` is ``True``, defaults to ``None`` :type main_key: str or None :param save_it: whether to save the location codes dictionary, defaults to ``False`` :type save_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str or None :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :return: dictionary or a data frame for location code data for the given ``keys`` :rtype: dict, pandas.DataFrame, None **Examples**:: >>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers >>> lid = LocationIdentifiers() >>> key = 'STANOX' >>> stanox_dictionary = lid.make_loc_id_dict(key) >>> print(stanox_dictionary.head()) Location STANOX 00005 Aachen 04309 Abbeyhill Junction 04311 Abbeyhill Signal E811 04308 Abbeyhill Turnback Sidings 88601 Abbey Wood >>> keys_ = ['STANOX', 'TIPLOC'] >>> initial_ = 'a' >>> stanox_dictionary = lid.make_loc_id_dict(keys_, initial_) >>> print(stanox_dictionary.head()) Location STANOX TIPLOC 00005 AACHEN Aachen 04309 ABHLJN Abbeyhill Junction 04311 ABHL811 Abbeyhill Signal E811 04308 ABHLTB Abbeyhill Turnback Sidings 88601 ABWD Abbey Wood >>> keys_ = ['STANOX', 'TIPLOC'] >>> initial_ = 'b' >>> stanox_dictionary = lid.make_loc_id_dict( ... keys_, initial_, as_dict=True, main_key='Data') >>> type(stanox_dictionary) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(stanox_dictionary['Data'].keys())[:5]) [('55115', ''), ('23490', 'BABWTHL'), ('38306', 'BACHE'), ('66021', 'BADESCL'), ('81003', 'BADMTN')] """ valid_keys = {'CRS', 'NLC', 'TIPLOC', 'STANOX', 'STANME'} if isinstance(keys, str): assert keys in valid_keys keys = [keys] elif isinstance(keys, list): assert all(x in valid_keys for x in keys) if initials: if isinstance(initials, str): assert initials in string.ascii_letters initials = [initials] else: # e.g. isinstance(initials, list) assert all(x in string.ascii_letters for x in initials) if main_key: assert isinstance(main_key, str) dat_dir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) if data_dir else self.DataDir path_to_file = os.path.join( dat_dir, "-".join(keys) + ("" if initials is None else "-" + "".join(initials)) + (".json" if as_dict and len(keys) == 1 else ".pickle")) if os.path.isfile(path_to_file) and not update: if as_dict: location_codes_dictionary = load_json(path_to_file) else: location_codes_dictionary = load_pickle(path_to_file) else: if initials is None: location_codes = self.fetch_location_codes(verbose=verbose)[self.Key] else: temp = [ self.collect_loc_codes_by_initial(initial, verbose=verbose)[ initial.upper()] for initial in initials] location_codes = pd.concat(temp, axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False) if verbose == 2: print("To make/update a location code dictionary", end=" ... ") # Deep cleansing location_code try: key_location_codes = location_codes[['Location'] + keys] key_location_codes = key_location_codes.query( ' | '.join(['{} != \'\''.format(k) for k in keys])) if drop_duplicates: location_codes_subset = key_location_codes.drop_duplicates( subset=keys, keep='first') location_codes_duplicated = None else: # drop_duplicates is False or None location_codes_subset = key_location_codes.drop_duplicates( subset=keys, keep=False) # dupl_temp_1 = key_location_codes[ key_location_codes.duplicated(['Location'] + keys, keep=False)] dupl_temp_2 = key_location_codes[ key_location_codes.duplicated(keys, keep=False)] duplicated_1 = dupl_temp_2[ dupl_temp_1.eq(dupl_temp_2)].dropna().drop_duplicates() duplicated_2 = dupl_temp_2[~dupl_temp_1.eq(dupl_temp_2)].dropna() duplicated = pd.concat( [duplicated_1, duplicated_2], axis=0, sort=False) location_codes_duplicated = duplicated.groupby(keys).agg(tuple) location_codes_duplicated.Location = \ lambda x: x[0] if len(set(x)) == 1 else x) location_codes_subset.set_index(keys, inplace=True) location_codes_ref = pd.concat( [location_codes_subset, location_codes_duplicated], axis=0, sort=False) if as_dict: location_codes_ref_dict = location_codes_ref.to_dict() if main_key is None: location_codes_dictionary = location_codes_ref_dict['Location'] else: location_codes_ref_dict[main_key] = \ location_codes_ref_dict.pop('Location') location_codes_dictionary = location_codes_ref_dict else: location_codes_dictionary = location_codes_ref print("Successfully.") if verbose == 2 else "" if save_it: save(location_codes_dictionary, path_to_file, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}.".format(e)) location_codes_dictionary = None return location_codes_dictionary