
class elec.Electrification(data_dir=None, update=False, verbose=True)[source]

A class for collecting section codes for OLE installations.

  • data_dir (str or None) – name of data directory, defaults to None

  • update (bool) – whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to False

  • verbose (bool or int) – whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to True


>>> from pyrcs.line_data import Electrification

>>> elec = Electrification()

>>> print(elec.Name)
Electrification masts and related features

>>> print(elec.SourceURL)


collect_etz_codes([confirmation_required, …])

Collect OLE section codes for national network energy tariff zones from source web page.


Collect OLE section codes for independent lines from source web page.


Collect OLE section codes for national network from source web page.

collect_ohns_codes([confirmation_required, …])

Collect codes for overhead line electrification neutral sections (OHNS) from source web page.

fetch_elec_codes([update, pickle_it, …])

Fetch OLE section codes in electrification catalogue.

fetch_etz_codes([update, pickle_it, …])

Fetch OLE section codes for national network energy tariff zones from source web page.

fetch_indep_lines_codes([update, pickle_it, …])

Fetch OLE section codes for independent lines from local backup.

fetch_national_network_codes([update, …])

Fetch OLE section codes for national network from local backup.

fetch_ohns_codes([update, pickle_it, …])

Fetch codes for overhead line electrification neutral sections (OHNS) from local backup.


Get names of independent lines.