Source code for pyrcs._other_assets

""" Collecting data of other assets """

import urllib.parse

from .other_assets import *
from .utils import get_category_menu, homepage_url

[docs]class OtherAssets: """ :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool **Example**:: from pyrcs import OtherAssets oa = OtherAssets() # To get railway station data stations = oa.Stations # data of railway stations whose names start with 'A' railway_station_data_a = stations.collect_railway_station_data_by_initial('A') """ def __init__(self, update=False): """ Constructor method. """ # Basic info self.Name = 'Other assets' self.HomeURL = homepage_url() self.SourceURL = urllib.parse.urljoin( self.HomeURL, '{}menu.shtm'.format(self.Name.lower().replace(' ', ''))) self.Catalogue = get_category_menu(self.SourceURL, update=update, confirmation_required=False) # Classes self.SignalBoxes = signal_boxes.SignalBoxes(update=update) self.Tunnels = tunnels.Tunnels(update=update) self.Viaducts = viaducts.Viaducts(update=update) self.Stations = stations.Stations(update=update) self.Depots = depots.Depots(update=update) self.Features = features.Features(update=update)