Source code for pyrcs.other_assets.features

""" Collecting codes of infrastructure features.

- OLE neutral sections
- Water troughs
- Telegraph codes
- Driver/guard buzzer codes

import copy
import itertools
import os
import re
import unicodedata
import urllib.parse

import bs4
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from pyhelpers.dir import cd, validate_input_data_dir
from pyhelpers.ops import confirmed, fake_requests_headers
from import load_pickle, save_pickle

from pyrcs.line_data.electrification import Electrification
from pyrcs.utils import cd_dat, get_catalogue, get_last_updated_date, homepage_url

[docs]class Features: """ A class for collecting infrastructure features, including OLE neutral sections, HABD and WILD, water troughs, telegraph codes and driver/guard buzzer codes. :param data_dir: name of data directory, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str, None :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() print(features.Name) # Infrastructure features """ def __init__(self, data_dir=None, update=False): """ Constructor method. """ self.Name = 'Infrastructure features' self.HomeURL = homepage_url() self.Key = 'Features' self.LUDKey = 'Last updated date' # key to last updated date self.Catalogue = get_catalogue(urllib.parse.urljoin(self.HomeURL, '/misc/habdwild.shtm'), update=update, confirmation_required=False) self.HabdWildKey = 'HABD and WILD' self.HabdWildPickle = self.HabdWildKey.replace(" ", "-").lower() self.OLENeutralNetworkKey = 'OLE neutral sections' self.WaterTroughsKey = 'Water troughs' self.WaterTroughsPickle = self.WaterTroughsKey.replace(" ", "-").lower() self.TelegraphKey = 'Telegraphic codes' self.TelegraphPickle = self.TelegraphKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") self.BuzzerKey = 'Buzzer codes' self.BuzzerPickle = self.BuzzerKey.lower().replace(" ", "-") self.DataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) if data_dir else cd_dat("other-assets", self.Name.lower()) self.CurrentDataDir = copy.copy(self.DataDir) def cdd_features(self, *sub_dir, **kwargs): """ Change directory to "dat\\other-assets\\features\\" and sub-directories (and/or a file) :param sub_dir: sub-directory or sub-directories (and/or a file) :type sub_dir: str :param kwargs: optional parameters of `os.makedirs <>`_, e.g. ``mode=0o777`` :return: path to the backup data directory for ``Features`` :rtype: str :meta private: """ path = cd(self.DataDir, *sub_dir, mkdir=True, **kwargs) return path
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_vulgar_fraction(x): """ Decode vulgar fraction. """ for s in x: try: name = if name.startswith('VULGAR FRACTION'): # normalized = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', s) # numerator, _, denominator = normalized.partition('⁄') # frac_val = int(numerator) / int(denominator) frac_val = unicodedata.numeric(s) return frac_val except (TypeError, ValueError): pass
[docs] def parse_vulgar_fraction_in_length(self, x): """ Parse 'VULGAR FRACTION' for 'Length' of water trough locations. """ if x == '': yd = np.nan elif re.match(r'\d+yd', x): # e.g. '620yd' yd = int('\d+(?=yd)', x).group(0)) elif re.match(r'\d+&frac\d+;yd', x): # e.g. '506&frac23;yd' yd, frac ='([0-9]+)&frac([0-9]+)(?=;yd)', x).groups() yd = int(yd) + int(frac[0]) / int(frac[1]) else: # e.g. '557½yd' yd = self.decode_vulgar_fraction(x) return yd
[docs] def collect_habds_and_wilds(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect codes of hot axle box detectors (HABDs) and wheel impact load detectors (WILDs) from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool, int :return: data of HABDs and WILDs, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict, None **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() confirmation_required = True habds_and_wilds_codes_data = features.collect_habds_and_wilds(confirmation_required) # To collect data of HABD and WILD? [No]|Yes: # >? yes print(habds_and_wilds_codes_data) # {'HABD and WILD': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ if confirmed("To collect data of {}?".format(self.HabdWildKey), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): url = self.Catalogue[self.HabdWildKey] if verbose == 2: print("Collecting data of {}".format(self.HabdWildKey), end=" ... ") try: sub_keys = self.HabdWildKey.split(' and ') except ValueError: sub_keys = [self.HabdWildKey + ' 1', self.HabdWildKey + ' 2'] try: habds_and_wilds_codes = iter(pd.read_html(url, na_values=[''], keep_default_na=False)) habds_and_wilds_codes_list = [] for x in habds_and_wilds_codes: header, data = x, next(habds_and_wilds_codes) data.columns = header.columns.to_list() data.fillna('', inplace=True) habds_and_wilds_codes_list.append(data) habds_and_wilds_codes_data = {self.HabdWildKey: dict(zip(sub_keys, habds_and_wilds_codes_list)), self.LUDKey: get_last_updated_date(url)} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" pickle_filename = self.HabdWildPickle + ".pickle" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(pickle_filename) save_pickle(habds_and_wilds_codes_data, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) habds_and_wilds_codes_data = None return habds_and_wilds_codes_data
[docs] def fetch_habds_and_wilds(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch codes of HABDs and WILDs from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str, None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :return: data of hot axle box detectors (HABDs) and wheel impact load detectors (WILDs), and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() update = False pickle_it = False data_dir = None habds_and_wilds_codes_data = features.fetch_habds_and_wilds(update, pickle_it, data_dir) print(habds_and_wilds_codes_data) # {'HABD and WILD': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ pickle_filename = self.HabdWildPickle + ".pickle" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(pickle_filename) if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: habds_and_wilds_codes_data = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: habds_and_wilds_codes_data = self.collect_habds_and_wilds( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if habds_and_wilds_codes_data: if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, pickle_filename) save_pickle(habds_and_wilds_codes_data, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format(self.HabdWildKey.replace("and", "or"))) return habds_and_wilds_codes_data
[docs] def collect_water_troughs(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect codes of water troughs from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool, int :return: data of water troughs, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict, None **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() confirmation_required = True water_troughs_data = features.collect_water_troughs(confirmation_required) # To collect data of water troughs? [No]|Yes: # >? yes print(water_troughs_data) # {'Water troughs': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ url = self.Catalogue[self.WaterTroughsKey] if confirmed("To collect data of {}?".format(self.WaterTroughsKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting data of {}".format(self.WaterTroughsKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: header, water_troughs_codes = pd.read_html(url) water_troughs_codes.columns = header.columns.to_list() water_troughs_codes.fillna('', inplace=True) water_troughs_codes.Length = water_troughs_codes.rename(columns={'Length': 'Length_yard'}, inplace=True) last_updated_date = get_last_updated_date(url) water_troughs_locations = {self.WaterTroughsKey: water_troughs_codes, self.LUDKey: last_updated_date} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(self.WaterTroughsPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(water_troughs_locations, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) water_troughs_locations = None return water_troughs_locations
[docs] def fetch_water_troughs(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch codes of water troughs from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str, None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :return: data of water troughs, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() update = False pickle_it = False data_dir = None water_troughs_data = features.fetch_water_troughs(update, pickle_it, data_dir) print(water_troughs_data) # {'Water troughs': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(self.WaterTroughsPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: water_troughs_locations = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: water_troughs_locations = self.collect_water_troughs( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if water_troughs_locations: if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, os.path.basename(path_to_pickle)) save_pickle(water_troughs_locations, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format(self.WaterTroughsKey.lower())) return water_troughs_locations
[docs] def collect_telegraph_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect telegraph code words from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool, int :return: data of telegraph code words, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict, None **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() confirmation_required = True telegraph_codes_data = features.collect_telegraph_codes(confirmation_required) # To collect data of telegraphic codes? [No]|Yes: # >? yes print(telegraph_codes_data) # {'Telegraphic codes': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ url = self.Catalogue[self.TelegraphKey] if confirmed("To collect data of {}?".format(self.TelegraphKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting data of {}".format(self.TelegraphKey.lower()), end=" ... ") try: source = requests.get(url, headers=fake_requests_headers()) # sub_keys = [x.text for x in bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'lxml').find_all('h3')] # data_sets = iter(pd.read_html(source.text)) telegraph_codes_list = [] for x in data_sets: header, telegraph_codes = x, next(data_sets) telegraph_codes.columns = header.columns.to_list() telegraph_codes_list.append(telegraph_codes) last_updated_date = get_last_updated_date(url) telegraph_code_words = {self.TelegraphKey: dict(zip(sub_keys, telegraph_codes_list)), self.LUDKey: last_updated_date} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(self.TelegraphPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(telegraph_code_words, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) telegraph_code_words = None return telegraph_code_words
[docs] def fetch_telegraph_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch telegraph code words from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str, None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :return: data of telegraph code words, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() update = False pickle_it = False data_dir = None telegraph_codes_data = features.fetch_telegraph_codes(update, pickle_it, data_dir) print(telegraph_codes_data) # {'Telegraphic codes': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(self.TelegraphPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: telegraph_code_words = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: telegraph_code_words = self.collect_telegraph_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if telegraph_code_words: if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, os.path.basename(path_to_pickle)) save_pickle(telegraph_code_words, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format(self.TelegraphKey.lower())) return telegraph_code_words
[docs] def collect_buzzer_codes(self, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Collect buzzer codes from source web page. :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool, int :return: data of buzzer codes, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict, None **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() confirmation_required = True buzzer_codes_data = features.collect_buzzer_codes(confirmation_required) # To collect data of buzzer codes? [No]|Yes: # >? yes print(buzzer_codes_data) # {'Buzzer codes': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ url = self.Catalogue[self.BuzzerKey] if confirmed("To collect data of {}?".format(self.BuzzerKey.lower()), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose == 2: print("Collecting data of {}".format(self.BuzzerKey), end=" ... ") try: header, buzzer_codes = pd.read_html(url) buzzer_codes.columns = header.columns.to_list() buzzer_codes.fillna('', inplace=True) last_updated_date = get_last_updated_date(url) buzzer_codes_data = {self.BuzzerKey: buzzer_codes, self.LUDKey: last_updated_date} print("Done. ") if verbose == 2 else "" path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(self.BuzzerPickle + ".pickle") save_pickle(buzzer_codes_data, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e)) buzzer_codes_data = None return buzzer_codes_data
[docs] def fetch_buzzer_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch buzzer codes from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str, None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :return: data of buzzer codes, and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() update = False pickle_it = False data_dir = None buzzer_codes_data = features.fetch_buzzer_codes(update, pickle_it, data_dir) print(buzzer_codes_data) # {'Buzzer codes': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ path_to_pickle = self.cdd_features(self.BuzzerPickle + ".pickle") if os.path.isfile(path_to_pickle) and not update: buzzer_codes_data = load_pickle(path_to_pickle) else: buzzer_codes_data = self.collect_buzzer_codes( confirmation_required=False, verbose=False if data_dir or not verbose else True) if buzzer_codes_data: if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, os.path.basename(path_to_pickle)) save_pickle(buzzer_codes_data, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) else: print("No data of {} has been collected.".format(self.BuzzerKey.lower())) return buzzer_codes_data
[docs] def fetch_features_codes(self, update=False, pickle_it=False, data_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Fetch features codes from local backup. :param update: whether to check on update and proceed to update the package data, defaults to ``False`` :type update: bool :param pickle_it: whether to replace the current package data with newly collected data, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_it: bool :param data_dir: name of package data folder, defaults to ``None`` :type data_dir: str, None :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :return: data of features codes and date of when the data was last updated :rtype: dict **Example**:: from pyrcs.other_assets import Features features = Features() update = False pickle_it = False data_dir = None features_codes = features.fetch_features_codes(update, pickle_it, data_dir) print(features_codes) # {'Features': <codes>, # 'Last updated date': <date>} """ codes = [] for func in dir(self): if func.startswith('fetch_') and func != 'fetch_features_codes': codes.append(getattr(self, func)(update=update, verbose=verbose)) elec = Electrification() ohns_codes = elec.fetch_codes_for_ohns(update=update, verbose=verbose) codes.append(ohns_codes) features_codes = { self.Key: {next(iter(x)): next(iter(x.values())) for x in codes}, self.LUDKey: max(next(itertools.islice(iter(x.values()), 1, 2)) for x in codes)} if pickle_it and data_dir: self.CurrentDataDir = validate_input_data_dir(data_dir) path_to_pickle = os.path.join(self.CurrentDataDir, self.Key.lower().replace(" ", "-") + ".pickle") save_pickle(features_codes, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) return features_codes