
Parse web-page contents.

Preprocess contents

parse_tr(trs, ths[, sep, as_dataframe])

Parse a list of parsed HTML <tr> elements.

parse_table(source[, parser, as_dataframe])

Parse HTML <tr> elements for creating a data frame.

parse_date(str_date[, as_date_type])

Parse a date.

Extract information

get_site_map([update, ...])

Fetch the site map from the package data.

get_last_updated_date(url[, parsed, ...])

Get last update date.


Convert calendar year of a given date to Network Rail financial year.

get_catalogue(url[, update, ...])

Get the catalogue for a class.

get_category_menu(url[, update, ...])

Get a menu of the available classes.

get_page_catalogue(url[, head_tag_name, ...])

Get the catalogue of the main page of a data cluster.

get_heading_text(heading_tag[, elem_tag_name])

Get the text of a given heading tag.

get_page_catalogue(url[, head_tag_name, ...])

Get the catalogue of the main page of a data cluster.

get_hypertext(hypertext_tag[, ...])

Get text that is with a hyperlink.

get_introduction(url[, delimiter, verbose])

Get contents of the Introduction page.